Tips for New Leaders

Michael Tanha
2 min readJun 11, 2020

Any leadership position involves guiding others toward the fulfillment of a greater purpose or vision, and this holds true for those mentoring new leaders. While leadership roles may not be suited for everyone, new leaders should know how to carry themselves appropriately in order to produce viable results right out of the gate.

Incorporating the following tips in one’s leadership style will demonstrate the exemplary qualities needed in every leader.

Invest in Your Team

Being a new leader, one should look at what they can offer their team as opposed to what their team has to offer them. By leading with generosity, this inspires others to have a giving spirit. So, investing time is a great way to show members of the team that their leader appreciates their team’s contribution. Investing in the team could also mean financially compensating people for excellent work. If a worker goes the extra mile to produce exemplary work, then leaders should be willing to give positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement could be done through bonuses, raises, certificates, vacation time, etc.

Help Your Team Find Their Purpose

As a new leader and/or relatively new organization, there will likely be several questions prompted by team members. While the vision may be collectively understood amongst the group, it is still the leader’s responsibility to ensure that each individual finds their purpose and specialty. By doing this, leaders will be able to better assign and delegate tasks to qualified workers.

Get Your Hands Dirty

New leaders shouldn’t get too caught up in having a superiority complex. While leaders are essentially managing their team, they are still a part of their team. Leaders shouldn’t be apprehensive about ‘getting their hands dirty’. If a member needs hands-on assistance, leaders should demonstrate an eagerness and willingness to help guide their team.

Be Decisive

As a new leader, one may not have every aspect of their business established. However, it’s important to always be decisive in decision-making and communicating. Indecision can create confusion and a lack of confidence in the group leader. People want to know that they are being led by someone who is confident in their abilities and competent. It’s okay not to have all the answers. However, this shouldn’t be projected onto the team.

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Michael Tanha

Michael “Mikey” Tanha is a Los Angeles-based environmentalist and business leader. To learn more, visit